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ret : false; }; if (!canvas.getContext) { fallback = true; } else { if (canvas.toDataURL("image/png") .indexOf("data:image/png") < 0) { //Android doesn't support data URI fallback = true; } else { var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); } } var fluid_images = []; var settings = { domain: "holder.js", images: "img", bgnodes: ".holderjs", themes: { "gray": { background: "#eee", foreground: "#aaa", size: 12 }, "social": { background: "#3a5a97", foreground: "#fff", size: 12 }, "industrial": { background: "#434A52", foreground: "#C2F200", size: 12 } }, stylesheet: ".holderjs-fluid {font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;font-family:sans-serif;margin:0}" }; app.flags = { dimensions: { regex: /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/, output: function (val) { var exec = this.regex.exec(val); return { width: +exec[1], height: +exec[2] } } }, fluid: { regex: /^([0-9%]+)x([0-9%]+)$/, output: function (val) { var exec = this.regex.exec(val); return { width: exec[1], height: exec[2] } } }, colors: { regex: /#([0-9a-f]{3,})\:#([0-9a-f]{3,})/i, output: function (val) { var exec = this.regex.exec(val); return { size: settings.themes.gray.size, foreground: "#" + exec[2], background: "#" + exec[1] } } }, text: { regex: /text\:(.*)/, output: function (val) { return this.regex.exec(val)[1]; } }, font: { regex: /font\:(.*)/, output: function(val){ return this.regex.exec(val)[1]; } }, auto: { regex: /^auto$/ } } for (var flag in app.flags) { if(!app.flags.hasOwnProperty(flag)) continue; app.flags[flag].match = function (val) { return val.match(this.regex) } } app.add_theme = function (name, theme) { name != null && theme != null && (settings.themes[name] = theme); return app; }; app.add_image = function (src, el) { var node = selector(el); if (node.length) { for (var i = 0, l = node.length; i < l; i++) { var img = document.createElement("img") img.setAttribute("data-src", src); node[i].appendChild(img); } } return app; }; app.run = function (o) { var options = extend(settings, o), images = []; if(options.images instanceof window.NodeList){ imageNodes = options.images; } else if(options.images instanceof window.Node){ imageNodes = [options.images]; } else{ imageNodes = selector(options.images); } if(options.elements instanceof window.NodeList){ bgnodes = options.bgnodes; } else if(options.bgnodes instanceof window.Node){ bgnodes = [options.bgnodes]; } else{ bgnodes = selector(options.bgnodes); } preempted = true; for (i = 0, l = imageNodes.length; i < l; i++) images.push(imageNodes[i]); var holdercss = document.getElementById("holderjs-style"); if(!holdercss){ holdercss = document.createElement("style"); holdercss.setAttribute("id", "holderjs-style"); holdercss.type = "text/css"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(holdercss); } if(holdercss.styleSheet){ holdercss.styleSheet += options.stylesheet; } else{ holdercss.textContent+= options.stylesheet; } var cssregex = new RegExp(options.domain + "\/(.*?)\"?\\)"); for (var l = bgnodes.length, i = 0; i < l; i++) { var src = window.getComputedStyle(bgnodes[i], null) .getPropertyValue("background-image"); var flags = src.match(cssregex); if (flags) { var holder = parse_flags(flags[1].split("/"), options); if (holder) { render("background", bgnodes[i], holder, src); } } } for (var l = images.length, i = 0; i < l; i++) { var src = images[i].getAttribute("src") || images[i].getAttribute("data-src"); if (src != null && src.indexOf(options.domain) >= 0) { var holder = parse_flags(src.substr(src.lastIndexOf(options.domain) + options.domain.length + 1) .split("/"), options); if (holder) { if (holder.fluid) { fluid(images[i], holder, src); } else { render("image", images[i], holder, src); } } } } return app; }; contentLoaded(win, function () { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("resize", fluid_update, false); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", fluid_update, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onresize", fluid_update) } preempted || app.run(); }); if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { define( "Holder", [], function () { return app; } ); } })(Holder, window);